

by Vivi Hinrichs,

Do you live the life you desire or is anything missing?

Do you want to create a development in your life, but are unsure how to get started?

Therapy can give you the opportunity to get to know yourself better. How do you react and why do you react the way you do? What do you feel and why do you feel exactly that? Therapy will give you the opportunity to get to know your patterns and emotions. When you become more aware of your patterns and emotions, it will become easier to process them and it will be easier to change direction in life.

Psychotherapy can give you the opportunity to get an overview over your situation and help you through the difficult times of life. It can support you to move in the direction you desire and ensure a positive development in your life. Read more about how psychotherapy can help you – click here 

Get a new understanding of your situation

Therapy can help you through situations where life hurts or seems pointless.

When you are sad, angry, frustrated or experience a state of hopelessness, it is a clear signal that something is wrong and that there are something you do not accept. Psychotherapy can help and support you through the difficult situations and it can give you the opportunity to gain a new understanding of your own situation. There is no right and wrong in regards to thoughts and feelings.

Through psychotherapy, you will gain a bigger understanding of your own situation; you will get the opportunity to find internal peace; put up boundaries; finding your courage and strength and strengthen your self-esteem. In therapy we will look closer to your experiences, thoughts, beliefs, mind-set, resources and your needs. It will give you an understanding of how you thrive as a person and in the relations you are a part of. Whether it is family relations, work relations or among friends, these relations matter in regards to how we interact and how we meet.

Individual psychotherapy is based on the respect of you and your choices. It is about finding the resources that can support you and make you grow, alongside finding action options for the change process that is set in motion in therapy. Therapy is a process where you will get to know yourself and where you want to grow.

Do you want to create new possibilities?

Psychotherapy is about helping people with the difficult situations they are facing. When life hurts or seems meaningless, therapy can help and support you in finding new possibilities to ensure a positive development in your life.

It is often through dialogue we find the solutions. Therapy can support you in discovering what is important for you and which direction you want to take in life.

There can be various reasons to seek psychotherapy. Maybe you experience anxiety, depression or shyness? Maybe you have conflicts in your relations, which you need help to tackle? The reasons to seek help and support can be many, but the most important thing is, that you get the help and support you need to move on in life.

I will support you to achieve greater awareness, internal peace and increase the quality and joy of your life, through personal development.

If you feel unsure of what therapy involves and how it can take place, feel free to contact me and get answers to any questions you might have. Contact me on: +45 28947100

Vivi Hinrichs

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